Player Commands
Some of the commands players can use.
Auto Code:
- /code help - Shows a detailed help message.
Auto Doors:
NOTE: /ad type and /ad single commands must looking at a door when used.
/backpackui (position) (Left | Right | Toggle | Off) -- Changes your preferred backpack button position. Use Toggle to show or hide the button without changing preferred position. Use Off to hide the backpack button.
Base Repair:
Allows player to repair their entire base by hitting part of the building with the hammer.
- /br - Toggle base repair on and off. (Supporters Only)
Building grades (Supporters and Discord Only):
Automatically upgrade building blocks. Allowing you to upgrade your building blocks with ease, preventing the needed use of the Hammer.
- /up 1 - Enable automatic Wood upgrades.
- /up 2 - Enable automatic Stone upgrades.
- /up 3 - Enable automatic Metal upgrades.
- /up 4 - Enable automatic Armoured upgrades.
Blueprint Share :
Allows players to share blueprints with their clan, team or friends.
- /bs help - Displays help message.
- /bounty - Display the Bounty help menu.
Building Skins:
- /bskin - opens a GUI to set the default building skin.
- /bskin build - updating the skin of the block you are looking at and everything that touches it.
- /bskin all - updating the skin of all buildings owned by you.
- /clan
- /clanhelp - Displays help.
Collection Log
- /cl or /collectionlog - Opens the Collection Log.
Collection Log Tradable Cards - Season 1
- You will randomly find these along your journey. Drink them.
- /cook or /recipemenu - Opens the recipe menu from anywhere.
- Find a Market NPC in Any Fishing Village, Bandit Camp. Outpost, or other Safe Zone areas.
- Cook up something that will help you on your journey.
Friendly Fire
- /ff help - Prints out basic help.
- /friend (add/remove) (player name or id) - Add or remove a player as a friend.
- /friend list - List all of your current friends.
Ignore and Mute
- /mute PlayerName/SteamID - Ignores that player.
- /unmute PlayerName/SteamID - Unignores that player.
- /mutechat - Toggle Better Chat messages off.
- /unmutechat - Toggle Better Chat messages on.
- /ignore add [name/steamID] - Ignore someone.
- /ignore remove [name/steamID] - Unignore someone.
- /ignore list - Show your ignore list.
- Space bar - thrust.
- W/S keys - pitch axis.
- A/D keys - yaw axis.
Kill Records
- /krhelp - Shows all commands in chat.
Name Colors
- /colour (hexcode) - Changes your colour to given hex code.
- /colour clear/reset/remove - Resets your colour.
- /colour gradient (hexCode1 hexCode2 hexCode3 ...( - Changes your colour to the given gradient colours.
- /colour random - Changes your colour to random hex code.
- /colour rainbow - Changes your colour to the rainbow colours. (Supporters Only)
Online Players
- /players - shows online player list UI.
- /sleepers - shows sleeping player list UI.
- /onlinehud (on/off) - turns on/off online player HUD.
Player Challenges
- /pc - Opens the leader board which will display the top 25 users from each category.
Playtime Tracker
- /playtime - Display your playtime.
- /playtime (playername or id) - Display the playtime for the specified player.
- /playtime top -- Display the top 10 play times.
- /refer (playername or id) -- Specify a player that referred you for points to be issued to both players.
- Space bar - Starts bouncing.
Skill Tree
- /st - Opens the Skill Tree.
The Red Button
- Do you dare to push the button?
**WARNING! Anything left in the box will be deleted when you exit the box.
Hold a Large Wooden Box then type /trash.
- /trash : Turns the currently held 'Large Wooden Box' into a trashcan.
Supporter Packages
RX2Net PVP or PVE|SkillTree|Cooking|EpicLoot
All include:
- In-Game Title with Unique Badge & Colored Name!
- Extended Range on Workbenches!
- Chat command /br to toggle base repair on and off.
- Bonus ECO and XP on Bradley Drops.
- More Turrets and Storage in Vehicles.
- Less time waiting on beds/bags to cooldown.
- Plants never die.
- Cooking, Epic Loot, Skill Tree, and other bonuses!
- Skip the Queue!
- Special Kits and More!
Plus these perks per package:
Discord Verified
- More homes (50), lower cool downs (30 seconds), and lower count downs (20) for teleporting!
- $75 Economics an hour!
- $75 Starter Economics!
- 5 BagOfHolding bags!
Chat Commands:
- /colour rainbow - Changes your username to the rainbow colours.
- /up 1 -- Allows you to automatically upgrade to grade 1 as you build.
VIP Supporter
5 hours of Extra XP!
- More homes (200), lower cool downs (10 seconds), and lower count downs (5) for teleporting!
- $500 Economics an hour!
- $500 Starter Economics!
- Bonus of $2000 Economics!
- 12 BagOfHolding bags!
Chat Commands:
- /colour rainbow - Changes your username to the rainbow colours
- /up 1 - Allows you to automatically upgrade to Wood.
- /up 2 - Allows you to automatically upgrade to Stone.
- /up 3 - Allows you to automatically upgrade to Metal.
- /up 4 - Allows you to automatically upgrade to TopTier.
Buy Supporter (VIP) Package here.
Our Servers
RX2Net PVP|SkillTree|Cooking|EpicLoot
In your F1 console type/paste client.connect
or search for RX2Net under Modded. You may have to turn off "use cache" and turn on show empty.